Saturday, December 26, 2009

"Sometimes you have to learn to love what's good for you."

So I went to see New Moon yesterday and this quote stood out from any other line in the movie. I came home and it's been in my head since...

First I really thought it made sense, duh! Everyone is looking for the fairy tale love, sweep you off your feet, make your knees tremble kind of love. I am no exception to this. I had my first official boyfriend when I was in 8th grade. Every since then, I put everything I have into a relationship. They are great in the "new car" aka first few months, phase. Everything is (barf) just perfect. But than reality sets in and you start to notice the imperfections in that person. Eventually something happens and you break up/ divorce/cheat/ or get cheated on... Then you MIGHT be left with a friend or an enemy. Either way, it's not that perfect love.

I have been in enough relationships that always turn bad to know that there is no such thing as a good one. They all have there issues and flaws. That is why relationships are work, they take time, patience, and understanding. Most people won't put in the time to make them great. AND it isn't one sided, they take work from BOTH involved. 

Boy I have had my fair share of failures... lol. It is what it is. I don't regret any of them, bad or good, they made me who I am today.

Anyways, maybe what is best for me is staring me right in the face, and I just have to learn to love it truly... and maybe it isn't... maybe my soul mate committed suicide a LONG time ago... idk

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I am a single mom of two amazing girls, Courtney, and Remington.